Here is a list of some of the achievements that were made by the boards from 2015 through 2021 on which I served.

  • Successfully worked with specialized lawyers to bring a successful conclusion to our claim against the developer-Pulte.
  • Researched and then had installed a new Geothermal heating system for all our pools. (The Eagles Nest Pool was not heated prior to the installation of the geothermal system,) This resulted in fuel cost savings of around $60,000 annually. Paid off the initial cost several years early saving the community significant additional dollars.
  • Oversaw the introduction of two new Landscaping Companies, the second of which is still taking care of our beautiful community to this day.
  • Set up committees most of which are still functional today.
  • Carefully and correctly led the community through the worst of the COVID pandemic and successfully changed our documents to allow us to hold an election during lockdown conditions.
  • Brought in a New management Company who are still serving us today.
  • Hired a Reserve Study Company to carry out reserve studies and updates on a regular basis. This Company is still managing our Reserve Studies.
  • Installed a fully functional A/V system allowing meetings to be broadcast live. (Sadly, this has not been utilized in the last two years)
  • Brought home balanced budgets every year with minimal increases in HOA fees.
  • Installed security cameras throughout the property with minimal cost having negotiated free internet connections for most of them.
  • Researched and implemented a new gate entry system together with a clubhouse security system and new website.
  • Arranged for the resurfacing of the resistance pool during Covid to prevent any loss of facilities to the residents,  and doing an initial re-landscaping of the pool area at the same time.
  • Successfully completed the project to resurface the roads on Shell Falls, Silver Falls, Eden Falls and Hidden Falls